Patonga to Somersby

3 Days

1811 m

Hard track

(0km) Patonga Wharf car park → Warrah Reserve boat ramp
360 m
7 mins
Easy track
(0.36km) Warrah Reserve boat ramp → Eastern end of Patonga Beach
170 m
3 mins
Easy track
(0.53km) Eastern end of Patonga Beach → Broken Bay View
590 m
21 mins
Moderate track
Broken Bay View

(1.12km) Broken Bay View → Int of Pearl Beach / Patonga fire trail and Patonga track
330 m
6 mins
Moderate track
(1.45km) Int of Pearl Beach / Patonga fire trail and Patonga track → Warrah Lookout intersection
370 m
9 mins
Easy track
(1.82km) Warrah Lookout intersection → Warrah Lookout
70 m
2 mins
Easy track
Warrah Lookout

(1.82km) Warrah Lookout intersection → Warrah Trig Station
310 m
7 mins
Easy track
Warrah Trig Station

(2.13km) Warrah Trig Station → Warrah car park
30 m
1 mins
Easy track
(2.16km) Warrah Car Park → Int Warrah Trig Rd trail and Warrah Trig Station Rd
310 m
5 mins
Easy track
(2.47km) Int of Warrah Trig trail and Warrah Trig Station Rd → Int of Warrah Trig Station Rd and Patonga Drive track
940 m
17 mins
Easy track
(3.41km) Int of Warrah Trig Station Rd and Patonga Drive track → Int of Great North Walk and Patonga Dr
280 m
5 mins
Moderate track
(3.68km) Int of Great North Walk and Patonga Dr → Int of Patonga and Girrakool tracks
670 m
11 mins
Moderate track
Veer right: From the intersection, this walk follows the ‘Girrakool’ sign[34] gently up along the wide trail. After about 200m, the trail bends left[35], then leads gently down for another 100m, coming to an intersection[36] where the main trail bends right (and with the narrower Patonga Creek trail ahead), marked with a GNW arrow post[37].
Turn right: From the intersection, this walk follows the GNW arrow post north along the wide sandy management trail. The trail leads among the heath and large scribbly gums[38] for about 270m to come to T-intersection[39] with another wide trail[40], marked with a ‘Patonga’ sign[41] pointing back up along the trail.
(4.36km) Int of Hawkesbury track and Patonga Dr trail → Int of Hawkesbury track and Van Dahls rest area track
2.1 km
37 mins
Moderate track
Turn right: From the intersection, this walk follows the ‘Girrakool’ sign[45] east uphill along the management trail[46]. The trail leads up the hill for about 25m to head over a short rock platform[47] where the trail continues fairly steeply uphill. The trail bends left[48] and then winds gently around the side of the hill[49], enjoying some views[50] along the way. The trail undulates for a while before leading gently down to pass a large clearing[51] (on your left). Just past this clearing, the trail heads down (fairly steeply at first) for about 200m to enter a tall wooded forest and come to a clear three-way intersection, marked with a ‘Sani Depot Trail’ sign[52] (on your right).
Continue straight: From the intersection, this walk follows the GNW arrow post[53] downhill along the wide trail. The trail soon leaves the tall Sydney Redgums[54] to lead down for almost 600m. The walk crosses a culverted creek[55] (with sandstone blocks[56]) and then the trail mostly flattens out[57]. Here the trail continues for another 170m leaving the tall forest to walk through the open heath[58], passing near a small cliff (on your right), to come to an intersection with the faint track[59] (on your left, this is just before the main trail bends right and starts to lead downhill again).
(6.41km) Int of Hawkesbury track and Van Dahls rest area track → Rock Platform
590 m
12 mins
Moderate track
(7km) Rock Platform → Int of Hawkesbury track near Patonga Creek
520 m
12 mins
Moderate track
(7.52km) Int of Hawkesbury track near Patonga Creek → Int of Hawkesbury Track and Dillons Trail
2.3 km
52 mins
Hard track
Veer left: From the view point over Woy Woy Landfill[87], this walk heads west following the rocky track uphill, directly away from the view. The sandy track[88] soon leads up a few rock steps[89] and after about 130m, climbs up a few carved steps[90] onto a fairly large rock platform[91], marked with a GNW arrow post[92]. The track now undulates, following a series of GNW arrow posts (generally up) along a rocky ridge line[93], passing over many rock platforms[94] for almost 1km (enjoying the distant views[95][96] over Woy Woy Bay and the Brisbane Water, to your right) to come to the highpoint on this section of track[97]. From here, the track continues mostly flat for the next 500m, then begins to head downhill for about 300m to come to a clear intersection[98] with the signposted ‘Dillons Trail’[99]. There is a sign pointing back up the track towards ‘Patonga’[100].
(9.79km) Int of Hawkesbury Track and Dillons Trail → Int of GNW and Tunnel Trail
30 m
Moderate track
(9.82km) Int of Great North Walk and Tunnel Track → Int of Tunnel Track and Mt Wondabyne trail
630 m
12 mins
Moderate track
Continue straight: From the intersection, this walk follows the GNW arrow marker and the ‘Girrakool’ sign[108] north, gently uphill along the wide trail. The trail winds along the side of the hill for just over 450m, to come to a small crest[109] and a clear three-way intersection with the signposted ‘Mt Wondabyne’ trail[110] (on the left).
(10.44km) Int of Tunnel Track and Mt Wondabyne trail → Mt Wondabyne Campsite
760 m
16 mins
Moderate track
Mt Wondabyne Campsite

End of day 1
(11.2km) Mt Wondabyne Campsite → Int of Great North Walk and Mt Wondabyne Peak tracks
90 m
2 mins
Moderate track
(11.29km) Int of Great North Walk and Mt Wondabyne Peak tracks → Mt Wondabyne Peak
210 m
5 mins
Hard track
Mt Wondabyne

(11.29km) Int of GNW and Mt Wondabyne Peak tracks → Int of GNW and Mullet Creek Trail
950 m
21 mins
Hard track
(12.23km) Int of GNW and Mullet Creek Trail → Int of GNW and Mullet Creek Trail (east)
220 m
4 mins
Easy track
(12.45km) Int of GNW and Mullet Creek Trail (east) → Int of GNW and Thommos Loop trail
830 m
18 mins
Moderate track
(13.28km) Int of GNW and Thommos Loop track → Int of the Great North Walk and Patonga service trail
1.5 km
28 mins
Moderate track
(14.77km) Int of the Great North Walk and Patonga service trail → Kariong Brook crossing
690 m
24 mins
Hard track
Kariong Brook Falls

(15.45km) Kariong Brook crossing → Int of GNW and Wondabyne Station Trail
2 km
47 mins
Hard track
Continue straight: From Myron Brook, this walk follows the rocky track west up the steep hill[174]l. After about 400m of steep climbing, the track mostly flattens out to head up through the cleft[175] in a rock and onto a flat rock platform[176]. Here the track continues more gently uphill, crossing more rock platforms for just over 1km, through the heath and scribbly gums[177], before bending left around a rocky outcrop[178] to come to a T-intersection[179] with a wide management trail. There is large sign here, pointing back down to ‘Patonga’[180].
(17.42km) Int of GNW and Wondabyne trail → Int of GNW and Gosford Rifle Range trail
1.1 km
22 mins
Moderate track
(18.54km) South end of Scopas Peak Track → Scopas Peak
1.2 km
23 mins
Hard track
Continue straight: From the Great North Walk intentions book[188], after leaving your comments, this walk heads north, gently up along the clear track[189]. The track gently undulates along this ridge for about 750m, leading across a long sandy saddle[190] to the base of Scopas Peak. Here the walk climbs steeply for about 230m, stopping occasionally to enjoy the view, up the series of rocks with cut steps[191] and past a few rock walls[192]. Near the top of this climb, the track bends left to lead up to a view point just to the west of Scopas Peak[193].
(19.71km) Scopas Peak → Int of Patonga Ferry and Girrakool tracks
3.1 km
1 hr 18 mins
Hard track
Continue straight: From the western bank, this walk crosses the intermittent creek which flows over the solid sandstone platform[210], to follow the track uphill. The rocky track initially leads gently uphill[211] but soon leads steeply up[212] for about 130m, where the track mostly flattens out to pass a sandstone overhang[213] (on your right). Soon after this overhang, the track leads over a small gully[214] then along the side of a longer rock wall[215] with another tall sandstone overhang[216]. The track continues gently downhill[217] for another 300m, becoming a little steeper along the way, until just past a set of rock steps. Here the track begins to head steeply down the side of the hill for about 130m, first passing through a cleft in the rock[218] then past a few rock walls. Just after a few switchbacks, this walk heads into a narrow gully, past a small ‘Patonga’ sign, then comes to a three-way intersection beside an intermittent creek[219], marked with a large ‘The Great North Walk’ sign with a ‘Patonga Ferry’ arrow[220] pointing back up the hill.
(22.85km) Int of Patonga Ferry and Girrakool tracks → Phil Houghton Bridge
220 m
9 mins
Moderate track
Phil Houghton Bridge

(23.07km) Phil Houghton Bridge → Mooney Mooney Creek Trackhead
2.3 km
47 mins
Moderate track
Turn right: From the intersection, this walk follows the GNW arrow post[243] directly away from the face of the ‘Brisbane Waters National Park’ sign[244] along the clear track[245], keeping Mooney Mooney Creek to your left. After about 100m, this walk crosses a green timber footbridge[246], then about 200m later comes to a small clearing and intersection just before the road bridge[247]. Here the walk turns right, following the old management trail uphill through the tall forest[248] for about 200m then heading around a locked gate[249]. Just past the gate, this walk turn left and heads up the short steep bank[250] to come to a T-intersection with the old Pacific Hwy, at a large gravel car park[251] marked with ‘Mooney Mooney Creek’ Trackhead[252] (just east of the Mooney Mooney Creek bridge).
(25.39km) Mooney Mooney Creek Trackhead → National Park Gate
1.5 km
27 mins
Easy track
Turn right: From the intersection[259], this walk follows the gravel ‘Karool Road’[260] gently downhill, keeping Mooney Mooney Creek to your right[261]. This road leads past a few homes for about 600m to then pass a notable houseboat house[262]. About 250m past this house, this walk come to a Y-intersection[263], marked with a ‘The Great North Walk’ sign[264], just before the tall concrete Mooney Mooney Bridge[265].
Veer left: From the ‘Y’ intersection[266], this walk follows the ‘The Great North Walk’ sign[267] along the upper dirt road to pass under the Mooney Mooney (F3 freeway) Bridge[268]. Just over 250m after passing under the tall bridge, this walk leads up to a large turning area[269] just before the locked gate[270], marked with a ‘Brisbane Water National Park’ sign[271].
(26.89km) National Park Gate → Footbridge
1.7 km
32 mins
Moderate track
Veer right: From the intersection[279] just above the campsite, this walk follows the GNW arrow post[280] down along the track, keeping the clearing and campsite[281] to the right. The track soon leads over a small flat timber bridge[282] then over the next 60m, the track heads under the high tension power lines (past the caution sign[283]) and then along a short section of timber boardwalk[284]. About 20m later, this walk veers right at a Y-intersection[285], then continues along the mostly flat track beside Mooney Mooney Creek for about 300m, to cross a small rocky tidal creek[286]. The track then continues through the tall forest[287] beside Mooney Mooney Creek for about 600m, passing a couple of she-oak stands[288] before the track then bends left and comes to an indistinct intersection[289] beside a timber and metal footbridge[290].
(28.55km) Footbridge → Mooney Mooney Creek Campsite (north)
260 m
5 mins
Moderate track
Mooney Mooney Creek Campsite (north)

End of day 2
(28.81km) Mooney Mooney Creek Campsite (north) → Mooney Mooney Creek crossing
2.1 km
44 mins
Moderate track
Continue straight: From the south bank of Ausburn Creek, this walk crosses the narrow rock platform and creek[307], then follows the track fairly steeply uphill[308] for about 200m. At the top of this climb, the track gently undulates[309] alongside Mooney Mooney Creek for about 700m before heading down to find a large rock platform[310] on the western bank of Mooney Mooney Creek. This large rock platform is a natural ford of the perennial Mooney Mooney Creek[311] and is home to a scattering of small and large waterholes[312].
(30.88km) Mooney Mooney Creek crossing → Lower Mooney Mooney Dam
1.2 km
28 mins
Moderate track
Lower Mooney Dam

(32.1km) Lower Mooney Mooney Dam → Int of the dam trail and the old Somersby Falls track
1.7 km
40 mins
Moderate track
(33.76km) Int of the dam trail and the old Somersby Falls track → Quarry Camping Area
530 m
13 mins
Moderate track
Turn left: From the intersection, this walk follows the ‘The Great North Walk’ sign[335] downhill along the track for about 50m, to crosses a small pleasant gully[336] with an ephemeral creek[337]. After this, the track starts to wind moderately steeply uphill[338] then, soon after flatting out, it comes to a signposted ‘Camping Area’[339] with a metal fireplace[340].
(34.29km) Quarry Camping Area → Quarry gate
590 m
11 mins
Moderate track
(34.88km) Quarry gate → Somersby Reservoir
520 m
9 mins
Easy track
(35.4km) Somersby Reservoir → South end of Robinson Crk Track
1.2 km
25 mins
Moderate track
Veer right: From the intersection, this walk follows the management trail uphill[371], keeping the power lines just to your right. After about 40m, this walk follows the GNW arrow post left[372] (ignoring the ‘Private Property’[373] trail ahead) as the track winds gently uphill for about 250m before veering left, ignoring another ‘Private Property’ track[374] (on your right). The mostly flat track now leads along the side of the hill[375] for about 100m before passing under another set of power lines[376] and leading right, steeply up the short rocky hill[377]. At the top of this hill, the track leads to the end of a trail[378], but immediately veers right[379] to follow a track along a fence for about 60m before rejoining the same power line management trail[380].
(36.6km) South end of Robinson Crk Track → Int of Great North Walk and Robinson Road service trail
1.4 km
34 mins
Hard track
Veer right: From the intersection, this walk follows the GNW arrow post uphill[403] along the wide sandy trail for about 40m to pass a faint trail[404] (on your right). Then about 120m further up the main trail, this walk comes a T-intersection[405] marked with a couple more GNW arrow posts.
(38.02km) Int of GNW and Private Property south → Int of GNW and Private Property
380 m
7 mins
Moderate track
(38.4km) Int of Great North Walk and Private Property → End of Robinson Road
400 m
7 mins
Moderate track
(38.8km) End of Robinson Road → Somersby Store
2.7 km
50 mins
Moderate track
Somersby Store

Maps for the Patonga to Somersby walk
You can download the PDF for this walk to print a map.These maps below cover the walk and the wider area around the walk, they are worth carrying for safety reasons.
Gunderman | 1:25 000 Map Series | 91313S GUNDERMAN | NSW-91313S |
Gosford | 1:25 000 Map Series | 91312S GOSFORD | NSW-91312S |
Wyong | 1:25 000 Map Series | 91312N WYONG | NSW-91312N |
Broken Bay | 1:25 000 Map Series | 91301N BROKEN BAY | NSW-91301N |
Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park Tourist Map | 1:40 000 Map Series | CMA Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park Tourist Map | CMA Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park Tourist Map |
Gosford | 1:100 000 Map Series | 9131 GOSFORD | 9131 |
Sydney | 1:100 000 Map Series | 9130 SYDNEY | 9130 |
Cross sectional view of the Patonga to Somersby bushwalking track

Analysis and summary of the altitude variation on the Patonga to Somersby

Daily actual walking time estimates
Day | Walking Time | Length |
1 | 3 hrs 55 mins | 11.3 km |
2 | 6 hrs 32 mins | 17.8 km |
3 | 4 hrs 28 mins | 12.7 km |
Overview of this walks grade – based on the AS 2156.1 – 2001
Under this standard, a walk is graded based on the most difficult section of the walk.
Length | 41.5 km | ||
Time | 3 Days | ||
. | |||
![]() Grade 4/6 Hard track |
AS 2156.1 | Gradient | Very steep (4/6) |
Quality of track | Rough track, where fallen trees and other obstacles are likely (4/6) | ||
Signs | Minimal directional signs (4/6) | ||
Experience Required | Moderate level of bushwalking experience recommended (4/6) | ||
Weather | Storms may impact on navigation and safety (3/6) | ||
Infrastructure | Limited facilities (such as cliffs not fenced, significant creeks not bridged) (4/6) |
Some more details of this walks Grading
Here is a bit more details explaining grading looking at sections of the walk
14km of this walk has gentle hills with occasional steps and another 14km has short steep hills. Whilst another 8km is very steep and the remaining 5km is flat with no steps.
Quality of track
19km of this walk follows a clear and well formed track or trail and another 10km follows a formed track, with some branches and other obstacles. Whilst another 8km follows a rough track, where fallen trees and other obstacles are likely and the remaining 3.9km follows a smooth and hardened path.
27km of this walk has directional signs at most intersection and another 11km is clearly signposted. The remaining (3.5km) has minimal directional signs.
Experience Required
26km of this walk requires no previous bushwalking experience and another 15km requires some bushwalking experience. The remaining (1.3km) requires a leader a with moderate level of bushwalking experience.
Around 39km of this walk is not usually affected by severe weather events (that would unexpectedly impact safety and navigation), whilst the remaining 2.6km is affected by storms that may impact your navigation and safety.
31km of this walk is close to useful facilities (such as fenced cliffs and seats) and another 9km has limited facilities (such as not all cliffs fenced). The remaining (1.7km) has limited facilities (such as cliffs not fenced, significant creeks not bridged).
Similar walks
Other Nearby walks
Plan your trip to and from the walk here
The Patonga to Somersby walk starts at the Patonga Wharf car park (gps: -33.55043, 151.27456)Your transport options to Patonga Wharf car park are by;

(get details)
The Patonga to Somersby ends at the Somersby Store (gps: -33.358081, 151.29029)
Your transport options to Somersby Store are by;

(get details)
Fire Danger
Each park may have its own fire ban, this rating is only valid for today and is based on information from the RFS Please check the RFS Website for more information.Weather Forest
This walk starts in the Hunter weather district always check the formal BOM forecast or pdf before starting your walk.Forecast snapshot
Park Information & Alerts
Short URL =
Gallery images
There are other downloads I am still working on.
You will probably need to login to access these — still all free.
* KML (google earth file)
* GPX (GPS file)
Special Maps/ brochures
* A3 topo maps
* PDF with Lands Topo map base
* PDF with arial image (and map overlay)
I wanted to get the main site live first, this extra stuff will come in time.
Happy walking
Matt 🙂